Tutorial Videos

In previous years, we have invited a number of esteemed scientists to give tutorial talks as part of the workshop. These tutorial talks are collated here for your benefit.

Simone Pigolotti: Introduction to stochastic thermodynamics (WOST III, 2022).
Masafumi Oizumi: Introduction to information geometry (WOST III, 2022).
Christopher Jarzynski: Thermodynamics of systems with strong coupling (WOST III, 2022).
Andreas Deschant: Thermodynamic uncertainty relations (WOST III, 2022).
Hugo Touchette: Introduction to large deviation theory (WOST IV, 2023).
Vijay Balasubramanian: Introduction to information theory (WOST IV, 2023).
Massimiliano Esposito: Inclusive stochastic thermodynamics (WOST IV, 2023).